Creating Events M.A.D.E Easy!

07 Mar 2024 02:42 AM

Creating Events M.A.D.E Easy!

Event planning can be a daunting task, but with M.A.D.E Tickets' innovative 7-step wizard, creating seamless and engaging events has never been easier. Whether you're organizing a local gathering, recurring events, or a virtual experience, our platform streamlines the process, ensuring your vision becomes a reality. Let's take a closer look at the effortless journey of event creation using M.A.D.E Tickets' intuitive wizard.


Step 1: Event Details – Laying the Foundation


The journey begins with the Event Details step, where you set the foundation for your event. Input crucial information like the category, event name, and description. Customize further with an event excerpt and specify why attendees should join. This step is mandatory, ensuring that every event starts with a solid and compelling foundation.

Step 2: Timing – Synchronize Your Schedule


In the Timing step, effortlessly set the schedule for your event, whether it's a single-day affair or spans multiple days. Define start and end dates, along with corresponding times. M.A.D.E Tickets' user-friendly form fields make timing adjustments a breeze, giving you full control over your event's duration.

Step 3: Tickets – Tailor Your Ticketing Experience


Customize your event's ticketing experience in the Tickets step. Create free or paid tickets with ease, and apply taxes to each ticket separately. With form fields for title, price, capacity, and more, M.A.D.E Tickets provides a flexible ticketing system that caters to the unique needs of your event.

Step 4: Location – Map Out Your Venue


For physical events, the Location step allows you to input venue details manually, ensuring that attendees can easily find the event. M.A.D.E Tickets even lets you pin the venue on Google Maps for added convenience. For virtual events, simply skip this step, highlighting the platform's adaptability to various event formats.

Step 5: Media – Enhance Visual Appeal


Create a visually stunning event with the Media step. Upload event posters, thumbnails, and images of specified sizes. M.A.D.E Tickets' wizard also allows you to crop and adjust images, ensuring your event looks as captivating as it deserves.

Step 6: SEO – Boost Visibility for Your Event


Maximize your event's reach with the SEO step. Write meta titles, keywords, and descriptions specific to each event for enhanced search engine optimization. M.A.D.E Tickets empowers you to create a compelling online presence, attracting the right audience to your event.

Step 7: Publish – Share Your Vision with the World


In the final step, Publish, add tags to categorize your event and make it easily discoverable. With a simple click, your event goes live, reaching a broader audience. M.A.D.E Tickets ensures that your event creation journey concludes with a seamless and rewarding publishing experience.



M.A.D.E Tickets' 7-step wizard revolutionizes the event creation process, offering unparalleled simplicity and efficiency. Whether you're organizing a simple gathering, recurring events, or an online experience, our platform guides you through each step with precision. Start your event planning journey with M.A.D.E Tickets and witness the ease of crafting unforgettable experiences. Your vision, our platform – let's make it happen!